I know what I think of this.... what do you think?


As Harlan's posted earlier the owner stepped up. The corp remains committed to its policy but they "support" the employee and the franchise owner.

Here is the announcement from the owner.

February 24, 2009
My highest priority is the safety and security of my customers and employees.

I stand behind Nigel Haskett. I believe he acted as a Good Samaritan. Concerning the critical matter of his medical expenses, it is important to note that the Arkansas Worker's Compensation Commission ultimately decides the outcome of his claim. As part of this process, Nigel's case will be presented to a Worker's Compensation judge, who will review all of the facts and decide on the case's merits.

McDonald's supports Nigel's claim, and fully anticipates the judge in this process will find in Nigel's favor. As a safeguard, if for some reason his claim is denied, and other insurance options are unavailable, I intend to cover the cost of his medical expenses.

I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do for Nigel.

Ray Nosler, McDonald's Owner/Operator

This is the right thing to do, no blanket I'll pay for everything statement, just clarifying the plan. Again, I think McDonald's erred in not being proactive about this. They should have jumped on it before it jumped on them.

(Very similarly when Kellogg's dropped Phelps it backfired on them.)
I have WHAT in my yard? :


As Harlan's posted earlier the owner stepped up. The corp remains committed to its policy but they "support" the employee and the franchise owner.

Here is the announcement from the owner.

February 24, 2009
My highest priority is the safety and security of my customers and employees.

I stand behind Nigel Haskett. I believe he acted as a Good Samaritan. Concerning the critical matter of his medical expenses, it is important to note that the Arkansas Worker's Compensation Commission ultimately decides the outcome of his claim. As part of this process, Nigel's case will be presented to a Worker's Compensation judge, who will review all of the facts and decide on the case's merits.

McDonald's supports Nigel's claim, and fully anticipates the judge in this process will find in Nigel's favor. As a safeguard, if for some reason his claim is denied, and other insurance options are unavailable, I intend to cover the cost of his medical expenses.

I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do for Nigel.

Ray Nosler, McDonald's Owner/Operator

This is the right thing to do, no blanket I'll pay for everything statement, just clarifying the plan. Again, I think McDonald's erred in not being proactive about this. They should have jumped on it before it jumped on them.

(Very similarly when Kellogg's dropped Phelps it backfired on them.)


Was the point that he works at McDonalds (probably making $8hr) completely lost? Even if he works 40 hours a week, he is at most making
$1280 before taxes. Individual insurance will cost him a minimum of $300 a month, McD generally does not contribute to his insurance. How in the world will he afford insurance every month, let alone a $300,000 bill? He won't be able to, there is just no way. It is also quite challenging to qualify for state coverage if you are an adult, especially for the "working poor".

I see this as the bigger problem. But yes, I think he was heroic, even if he did something against "company policy". As to the bill, there shouldn't have been a bill at all, he should have been able to have an insurance policy covered through either state or federal programs. We (the insured) will end up paying for the $300,000 bill in the end anyway through increased hospital costs (to offset written off debts like this one will be) passed on to our insurers and then to us. Did McD do the right thing? Probably not, they are a corporation existing strictly to make money (ie:a business), but IMO the bill should have been a non-issue to begin with.

Updated to say "yay Ray for being honorable!"
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I have WHAT in my yard? :

On 9/11 some citizens interfered in the operation of an air craft and deliberately drove that plane into the ground killing themselves - and everyone else on board - going directly against what airline personnel are told to do and what many of them were told to do by authorities at the time.

They did it because they thought that the aircraft was going to be used to hurt other unknown people.

We lauded them as heroes, got T-shirts with their catch phrases on them and feted their families all over the country. We erected shrines to their bravery and sacrifice.

This guy put himself in harms way to help another human being. He got hurt. Badly.

The corporation is and always will be within its rights to refuse to have anything to do with him. He has asked for nothing. I am stunned at how many of you would give him just that.

This post completely made me understand why that guy should have atleast got a collection thing going even if it was just a mom and pop mcdonalds, and it should have been on the news where to tell collections for his therapy to go to. When my husband was a manager at a small grocery chain, he had to run down a guy who was stealing hundreds of dollars of meat from their store, one day he finnally caught him stealing, and my hubby was the manager and the security, so he and a cartpusher ahd to run after this man and tackle him. The man didnt have a weapon, but he did have aids... it's just so scary what could have happened if any blood was shed between him, my husband and the cart pusher. He did that because it was the law, and he did it because it was the right thing to do. Not only that he had to break a vehiciles window in a parking lot one day to rescue a beagle puppy that was dying in the july heat. The puppy DID die... but he did what he could and that wasnt in his job description..... this has nothing to do with the situation, however it was AT work, on work property... so i'd say in a way it has everything to do with the store if that makes sense.

Also, i've been to the crash site in somerset PA.... you cant even begin to imagine the emptiness of that place.... a wind swept hilly field...and off in teh disance you can see where it crashed.... I have the uptmost respect for those men and women who wanted to save lifes.

Thank you for posting this! *hugs*​
It is sad, to say the least, that one has to worry about making human decisions and/or living in constant fear of being homeless and who is going to sue who, etc. Seems we humans have created quite the glitch for ourselves and it's also sad that, living in such a wealthy nation, we have to worry about such things. I think viewpoints waver. What one of us feels sure of today, we may feel different about tomorrow, depending on our circumstances. There will always be sides and things will keep happening and everyone will disagree and then it will happen to them and then it will suddenly be a different story altogether. It's all speculation at some level. All speculation...All a meeting of circumstances built upon choices and more choices and more circumstances.

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