I lost all my peeps :(

I don't have a problem with coons until the other night. Most of my pens are chain link and haven't had a problem for 19 years. I have a 6x6 chain link dog kennel that I lined with 1 inch chicken wire only because I didn't want the chicks getting through the chain link. This has worked for juveniles for several years with an Igloo. Recently I had a few extra banty roos in there. They roosted at nite on a stick I ran through the links not wanting to go into the igloo and one morning one was missing. A roof over the top and no holes, then I saw a pile of feathers on the outside in a corner. Roo gone! Just feathers. All I can gather is it was a coon. It pulled an entire banty roo through one inch chicken wire and didn't even damage the wire! Definitely going to use hardware cloth from now on. Been looking into a Livestock Guard Dog but worried it will bark too much for the neighbors.

So sorry for your loss. I know how heartbreaking it is. Just shore it up and build a Fort Knox. Don't give up. Invest in a Havaheart trap too. Then you can relocate or SSS.
Very sorry for your loss. Consider setting a havahart trap and getting the coon family.Better to kill them all now than to woryy about them later. I never had a problem with coons,but I figure why wait till they attack to get rid of them.

Also the idea of huge amounts of roundworm infested coon scat just makes me want to remove them from my yard even more! They are cute,but not in my yard.
Sorry for your loss however chicken wire is only for chickens. It will only slightly slow down a raccoon or other determined predator.

Next time make a locking coop with openings covered with 2 layers of hardware cloth. One inside and one outside.
I'm so sorry! Raccoons are the worst!!! They "train" their kids with chickens, and kill them all and leave them there. Such wasteful creatures. Please fortify your coop and get more chickens. Trap or kill that coon!!!! Down with coons!!!
Thank-you all for you advice! Boyfriend and I have been discussing our new Fort Knox chicken run. All your thoughts and opinions are welcomed and thank you for your kind words

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