I NEED HELP ASAP!!! Please!?!


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Knoxville, TN
I have seven 6-week old chicks in a brooder in my garage. One of them started to not be able to walk that well a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was something that was wrong just with that chick. I went out this morning and now there are 2 more that are wobbling around and can't walk. They seem to be eating/drinking fine. Not acting listless like that one infection from wet shavings (can't remember the name of it... you use sulmet to cure it).

These are LF olive-eggers.

I need to figure out what it is ASAP b/c I have a bunch of younger chicks in the other half of the brooder.

Any ideas?

eta: these are chicks I hatched myself (not vaccinated) and they are eating medicated purina feed (sunfresh, I think it's called?)
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I just changed their water and bedding. Some of the baby chicks look like they may be having problems but I can't tell for sure b/c they're so tiny and have feathers everywhere (bantam cochins).
I'd look up Marek's disease and see if it sounds like it fits what you are experiencing. It is a contagious virus, so I STRONGLY recommend separating your infected birds until you figure it out.
I don't know how they could have Marek's - they've been in our garage since they were hatched and have not even been on grass yet. That woul dbe impossible, right?
Do not assume Mereks. I was told my paralyzed 7 week old chick most likely had Mereks and advised to cull her. I just couldnt and about 2 weeks into the paralysis I read a post on SVchickens. The wonderful lade told me to try Vit B. I did and may baby is walk, flapping its wings and well on the way to recovery.
Thiamin most probably the main vit b they are lacking but give a multi B just to be sure.
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Honestly I just used my own multi B, crushed it and coated her food and added it to her water.
Please let me know if it is successful. Im trying my hardest to stop the Merek's scare and get folks to give Vit B a try.

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