I need help with FFA speech!


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
I am supposed to be wrighting a speech in FFA and i would like to do it on chickens but just dont know what to do. I am trying to wright about chicken embryology right now and did try chicken abuse but that didnt work. (mainly because i am just not good at speeches) Please help! and thanks!
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Sorry didnt mean to do that
I meant to put speech. We just did the creed so i was a little confused i guess haha
I used to construct training speaches for a large company all the time. granted, it was for a boring insurance company but all speaches are pretty much the same thing.

an oral essay

Think to your english comp classes. When constructing your speach start by using the basic essay format


and so on til all your fine points are covered.

I know it sounds a little too simple to work, but it does. every time
Writing the speech is the easy part. It's the giving of the speech
that most people have issues with.

You know the FFA creed. You apparently know about Americana chickens
from your name. So tell us how they fit together.

You have a time limit your speech needs to fit? Aim for that. Write it, practice
the words. Perfect it. Just depends on how in-depth you wish to get.

One hint is to use a dictionary, or spell check. Missspelled words will trip you up
sooner or later.

A speech, like a play, is made for lungs and tongues. Not exactly like the written
word. It needs to roll from the tongue.

Writing is FUN.

I can think of lots of chicken stuff but how they would relate to embryology is beyond me. You might want to think about posing this question specifially to breeders.

It might be right up their alley.

A couple of ideas......

the chicken quality differences between breeders and hatcheries

the creation of sex-links

hybrid egg layers that produce many more eggs but result in a much shorter life expectancy due to reproductive issues

Another tought.......

the importance of eggs to human medical science

people with egg allergies have to be careful which medications are prescribed to them as eggs are used in the production of some human medications

hope this helps

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