I need some advice...


Oct 24, 2017
White lake, Michigan. (Or detroit)
Hi there.

I currently have three chickens. Two are laying. I have a RIW, an ISA brown, and some other mix I have no idea what she is. I rescued all of them. I have them in a coop sort of like this; https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/p...ts-chicken-coop-with-outdoor-run?cm_vc=-10005. I live in a small subdivision... and here's the catch; I'm not allowed to have chickens in my sub. I have had chickens for about a year now, and have had no problems until they started laying. I am nervous that my neighbors will complain. I have given them eggs for a little bribe, but that can only last so long. One of my hens seems to be louder than the others. I am not super worried about it because it's winter. But spring is coming, and fast. I am getting nervous about the fact that more people will be outside and be able to hear them more. Heres another thing... they are getting more comfortable with their surrounding. My neighbors have two huge Great Danes, luckily on an electric collar. The girls have been wandering over there quite a bit and going way too far from there coop. I have a barn that I'm at for if an emergency happens, but it's not the best place for them to be. So my question is, what should I do? Should I just bring my coop to the barn? I go up there about 5-6 days a week, but it usually depends.

Thanks for your help!
Move them out of site into the barn build a run that can take them outside like 5 or 10 feet but home is in the barn so songs will be also
If I understand right you have a barn on other property. And you are questioning whether or not your chickens will be safe there. and if you don't make it there every day will they survive . If you go that route then they can't free range . You must provide them with a predator proof coop and run everything covered and with plenty of food and water to hold them if your unable to go there for a day or so .I would talk to my neighbors and HOA know what the city laws are before you make your pitch to the HOA and try to get others on your side before you make the pitch .And be careful them Great Danes just might start looking at those chickens as a great meal :frow:fl
If I understand right you have a barn on other property. And you are questioning whether or not your chickens will be safe there. and if you don't make it there every day will they survive . If you go that route then they can't free range . You must provide them with a predator proof coop and run everything covered and with plenty of food and water to hold them if your unable to go there for a day or so .I would talk to my neighbors and HOA know what the city laws are before you make your pitch to the HOA and try to get others on your side before you make the pitch .And be careful them Great Danes just might start looking at those chickens as a great meal :frow:fl
well the barn is my trainers, and she comes out everymorning and night to feed and water.

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