I need some Turkey help!!


Apr 26, 2020
So I currently have our big girl coop with 13 chicks aging at about 7 weeks old. I have a smaller brooder in our garage with 6 barnyard mixes (sold as EEs) and 2 silkies at about 3-4 weeks old. Well, we got rid of a few of our bigger ones in the coop whom we were certain were roos. Then we went to Rural King... And I'm a sucker for my boys. We walked out with a broad breasted white turkey poult, 2 blue Swedish ducks, 2 Americanas, and 1 starlight green egger. They have a rule you have to buy at least 6... of course they do!! So now I have these babies in a smaller brooder in my garage. And I'm doing as much research as I can on the turkey poult, I know they have similarities to chicks but they are different... Can I get some turkey help??? Please!!

I have him on the same starter as the chicks because it's a "flock raiser" by purina.. says on the bag designed for chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys etc. He's been here for 24 hours and I read that you should not keep them with other chicks without other turkeys because they can imitate them??? And then there's the blackhead thing?? There is a heat lamp on one side of the brooder but he has plenty of area without heat if he needs to get away. Also, he has been eating and drinking plenty all day today. 💜 💜

So basicallyyyyy #1 Am I feeding him what he needs? #2 can he stay with the 3 baby chicks and 2 ducks FOR NOW? (until I get my middle brooder moved to the big girl coop) OR should I go ahead and separate him alone? Does he need a friend? Can he go with the ducks in a smaller brooder or should he be with only his kind? I can do more research for when he gets older. I just need help for RIGHT NOW. I know these first couple of days/weeks can be crucial and If he needs to be separated I want him done immediately. Thanks guys!!
Sorry you got a meat bird turkey.
It needs turkey feed or it will have leg problems early in it's short life
Also it's meant to be harvested at 16 to 20 wks... they have a lot of leg and heart problems if you try to keep them as pets....
@R2elk @CindyinSD

the food should be fine and he should be ok in the brooder with the other chicks for now if doing well. you should definitely consider a friend. my BBs have always done best in groups of 3. blackhead is a risk and can be in the soil wherever chickens have been. I personally have not experienced it, but I know others have. I raised my first bbs in the same run with my chickens, but it is not a good idea for many reasons. once they got big, they were brutal to the chickens at feeding time.....
and yes you should be aware that bbs are meat birds to be harvested by or before 6 months. if you want pet turkeys, you may want to look for some heritage breed
@R2elk @CindyinSD

the food should be fine and he should be ok in the brooder with the other chicks for now if doing well. you should definitely consider a friend. my BBs have always done best in groups of 3. blackhead is a risk and can be in the soil wherever chickens have been. I personally have not experienced it, but I know others have. I raised my first bbs in the same run with my chickens, but it is not a good idea for many reasons. once they got big, they were brutal to the chickens at feeding time.....
and yes you should be aware that bbs are meat birds to be harvested by or before 6 months. if you want pet turkeys, you may want to look for some heritage breed
Thank you!
Sorry you got a meat bird turkey.
It needs turkey feed or it will have leg problems early in it's short life
Also it's meant to be harvested at 16 to 20 wks... they have a lot of leg and heart problems if you try to keep them as pets....
Why have I seen people keeping these as pets?! Guess I need to do more research or just keep the dude/dudette for Thanksgiving!
I have him on the same starter as the chicks because it's a "flock raiser" by purina.. says on the bag designed for chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys etc.
Flock raiser is designed for turkeys, that is, adult turkeys. It is not designed for turkey poults. Turkey poults need a high protein turkey or game bird starter. It will have the proper amount of lysine, methionine, niacin and protein that turkey poults (especially BB turkey poults) need for proper early development.

Blackhead is not an issue with chicks in the brooder. The chicks first have to be exposed to the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis before they can transmit it to turkeys.

It is not a good idea to raise a single one of any kind of poultry. Only chickens understand chicken talk and behaviors, only turkeys understand turkey talk and behaviors, etc.
#1 Am I feeding him what he needs?
#2 can he stay with the 3 baby chicks and 2 ducks FOR NOW?
Turkeys and even chicks should not be brooded with waterfowl. Only waterfowl should be brooded with waterfowl. Turkey poults in particular need to be kept dry.
Does he need a friend?
Yes. Turkeys are very social and do best with other turkeys.
Can he go with the ducks in a smaller brooder or should he be with only his kind?
Do not brood turkey poults with waterfowl. It would be nice if you could only brood turkey poults with turkey poults but many have brooded them with chicks. The chicks can do very well on the same feed that is appropriate for turkey poults but it doesn't work the other way around.

I do not recommend that you buy more broad breasted turkey poults unless you are prepared to process them when they mature. They will only break your heart when they get overweight, crippled and either die or have to be put down at a young age.
Why have I seen people keeping these as pets?! Guess I need to do more research or just keep the dude/dudette for Thanksgiving!
If you starve them they might live a few years, less than a fourth of a Heritage Turkeys lifespan. The BBB hen I tried to keep was a Heartbreaker when I had her put down at 18 months
Flock raiser is designed for turkeys, that is, adult turkeys. It is not designed for turkey poults. Turkey poults need a high protein turkey or game bird starter. It will have the proper amount of lysine, methionine, niacin and protein that turkey poults (especially BB turkey poults) need for proper early development.

Blackhead is not an issue with chicks in the brooder. The chicks first have to be exposed to the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis before they can transmit it to turkeys.

It is not a good idea to raise a single one of any kind of poultry. Only chickens understand chicken talk and behaviors, only turkeys understand turkey talk and behaviors, etc.


Turkeys and even chicks should not be brooded with waterfowl. Only waterfowl should be brooded with waterfowl. Turkey poults in particular need to be kept dry.

Yes. Turkeys are very social and do best with other turkeys.

Do not brood turkey poults with waterfowl. It would be nice if you could only brood turkey poults with turkey poults but many have brooded them with chicks. The chicks can do very well on the same feed that is appropriate for turkey poults but it doesn't work the other way around.

I do not recommend that you buy more broad breasted turkey poults unless you are prepared to process them when they mature. They will only break your heart when they get overweight, crippled and either die or have to be put down at a young age.
Thank you so much. You gave me more info that I could google in 24 hours! I have a lot to do in the next 24 hours too!!
He will need a buddy when you separate him. And they need a higher protein starter, they do well with (22% to 26%). I personally feed them 28%. But this is my first year with them.

He’ll be fine with them for now but do work toward separating them. The turkeys will need their own place, preferably away from the chickens to prevent disease.

Best of luck with your poult (or soon to be poults!)

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