I need to buy a potato...seriously


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
Not just ANY potato, but I want a Korean Purple Sweet Potato so I can make slips and then grow them in my garden this spring. If anyone has one of these, please let me know. I will also consider other early maturing varieties that will grow in Zone 4 like Envy, White Frazier, etc...

I know many of these are available through places like Sand Hill preservation, but you can't select which variety you get an have to take what they give you. I have very limited space and don't want to take chances on getting something I don't like. hence my potato request.

(See? Now this post wasn't as weird as you thought it was going to be now was it?)
Still kinda weird WZ!
I hope you find the right tater for you!! I thought this was gonna be about tater guns
I saw that post on MEN, but there was absolutely no contact information.

Maybe I will call Sand Hill and see if they will part with a potato or two. I know I don't want to wait for them to ship slips even if I can bribe someone to give me the type of potato I want. They wont send them to my region until late May. I plant in March under clear plastic with a wall-o-water type set up.

I started on this potato search months ago. I had no idea it would be so hard to get what I wanted!
To save everyone else from going on a quest to find out what the Korean Purple Sweet Potato looks like, click here (if it is correctly identified, that is)

And, here is the Hawaiian Purple sweet potato... http://www.hawaiipride.com/sweetpotato.html
how closely they are related, but there are some good pictures there. Also has a list of sources for this sweet potato. Might be worth calling to ask.
I'm not sure I'm ready for that on my table yet...
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