I need to cull a pet. ideas?


5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
I bought chicks last year and one was a rooster. He has become very aggressive toward me. Flogs me every time he sees me. He is also tearing up my girls. One lady has lost her feathers to get skin. but the flogging is getting worse. Either some one can come get him (which I would rather) or I'm going to have to break his neck. I am just scared emotionally
He's a big buff orpington. Dorothy 660 227 3859
This is the hard part. And you are right, he needs to go. Sometimes a neighbor will do it for you, sometimes there are processing places that will do it. Some people have advertized on craigslist, and don't ask questions. If you think you can do it yourself, there are several ways and some good videos, but it helps to have someone else as moral support.

An aggressive rooster can ruin the whole experience, the sooner he is gone, the happier you and your hens will be.

Mrs K
Mrs. K has covered the options for getting rid of him.....

...but I would strongly suggest taking him off the roost at night (well after dark) and putting him in a large wire dog crate asap. No reason for a bird like that to be free to wreak havoc.

Grab him firmly around this body with both hands to trap his wings, don't let go until he's in the cage.

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