I see a peaking chick!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 1, 2007
South Louisiana
I woke up this morning upset because day 21 has come and gone a day and a half ago. So I told my hubby that we will give them a few more days then we need to remove the eggs form the incubator. And yep we have a peaking chick. My daughter thinks its the coolest thing in the world. We are all crowding the window to watch it try to peek out. And then I went to auction and bought 11 baby chicks too. I finally got rid of 5 roosters. We lost alot of money on them. Since Madi Gras has passed everyone has had there fill of roosters. But I am happy with the babies and soon to have more. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that they all turn out good!!!! Hate for them not to make it with my daughter so excited. Oh and we are going to look at a new 9 week old ram I hope they still have the black one , but the chocolate one was cute too.
Ok we got the black baby ram. He's too cute I will try to post a pic tomorrow. We also got a small female and my father in law got a female lamb too. So we are at:
2 fat sheep
1 baby ram
2 baby lambs
1 roster
11 chicks
1 cornish hen
1 banham
2 doms
2 easter egg hens
4 RR
2 not sure what they are hens
3 horses
and 13 eggs in the incubator
sadly the first baby did not make it out of the egg.

But we now have one other egg that showed life. We helped it very little. (I know I should not have helped but I was afraid the same thing would happen as the other one. ) and this chick is going GREAT. I can not help but to look at it every few mins. LOL. OK I am not sure what went wrong we started out with 18 eggs and only have one. This was my first time. And I am hooked even with such a small success rate. Any advice, I am willing to learn!

I am not sure what she is. We HAD 6 roos. So the daddy is up in the air. I think the mama is a Dom or Barrel Rock? Not sure. O well I will love it the same!

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