I sometimes wish my cat didn't love me so much


Covered in Pet Hair & Feathers
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
How the heck can I get him to get OUT OF THE WAY of my computer monitor???

He's purring and bumping me and turning and waving his fluffy tail. There is NO way I can see around him. Good think I'm a touch typist.

I don't wanna tick him off by picking him up and dropping him away from the computer desk, because I know he just wants attention. But he does this ALL the time. Every single time I sit here.


Lordy, I sound like a whiny teenager here, instead of the mature woman I am.

Edited to add: good think, huh? Well, almost a touch typist....
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get a real small computer desk...mine just barely fits the monitor and the keyboard so no cat room (she has tried)
That leaves the lap open for lounging
My cat was doing the exact same thing earlier. I did shove her out of my way, a few times, and she finally got the idea and smooshed herself right up next to my laptop. Then she moved right in front and I had to type over her back. Silly kitty...

Maybe you could set your cat on your lap? I've done that to my cat and the worst damage she can do is bump my hand on the mouse right when I'm about to click (with the desktop, anyway).
I don't have this problem with my cats, but when I go outside around my bucks. One of them has to rub on me the entire time I am in his pen. Lays his head in my lap and you don't want to know what else he has done to me.
And his brother would be just as bad if the bigger one would share with him.
Hah--I use a laptop and my kitty (one of them) sits on the sewing machine next to me and reaches her paw to tap me on the shoulder so I "dont forget she is there" and I can pet her! It is worse if I have something tasty to eat! T
Out of six cats only one does not try to sit with me when I am on the computer. One of the cats is pretty good about it, he has his 'spot' out of my way. So be happy it is only one cat in your way.
I could send Cuatro to keep him entertained.....

I should say pahleezeeeeeeeeee let me send Cuatro to keep him entertained.
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