I suspect these are not what I ordered, midget whites?


Apr 15, 2020
I ordered hatching eggs from eBay and recently hatched 4 turkey chicks that are supposed to be midget whites. 3 out of 4 have light dusty red on their heads and shoulders, and a more generally pale pale beige all over their body, one is solid pale yellow as I expected them to look. The 3 colored ones are larger but not by enough that I can rule out natural variation. Here’s a good pic for a comparison of the two types:


Unrelated to the above question, The white one has droopy wings and I’m concerned for it, they are 4 days old, so if it has unseen issues now is the time I’d see evidence, like droopy wings :( Can anyone recommend anything beyond the usual electrolyte booster stuff, I have several variaties, sav a chick, nutridrench, etc. I have put some nutridrench in the water since I noticed he was droopy he is drinking and eating as well as pooping, and does not have pasty butt or any other symptoms at all, and behaves normally.
They could be all what you ordered. I was watching a you tube video of a farmer that raises white turkeys to butcher. To me they looked like bourbon red poults because of the tan head and kinda yellow tan body but he said they were just white turkeys. Looked just like the ones you have. As far as the droopy wing sometimes when they get to hot they'll droop their wings. And I've seen them droop when they start feathering in I dunno if the feathers make the wings heavier or maybe sore.

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