I think I really messed up....


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 3, 2011
BFE, Nevada
I have a broody Cochin who has been sitting on her eggs for 19 days, one chick hatched today, and to my horror I realized that it has no way to get down from the nesting box which is about 18 inches off the ground...I can't believe I didn't think of this! So mama has the baby nestled against her I don't hear or see any other chicks and this one little guy seems really sleepy, not sure if that's normal either. Any suggestions?
No need to worry. First of all, 18 inches off the ground isn't that far. As long as the chicks don't land on anything hard, like tools or something, they will be fine. Second, sleepy chicks are normal. It's hard work getting out of that egg. And besides, don't most babies sleep in the beginning? I don't know how many eggs she's been sitting on, but just so you know, she will stay in the nest for the next couple of day before she brings her chicks out. That's perfectly normal so don't panic, and don't help them. Just leave her alone and let her be a mommy.
THANK YOU! Mostly I was worried about the baby getting down from the nesting box and not being able to get back up there.....I am so excited about letting mom raise the babies because, my personal opinion is that in most cases mom knows best, thanks again

Use this ramp picture to get some ideas for entry and exit from your nesting boxes. I have it on a hinge for easy fold up when cleaning straw off the floor. My chickens use these religiously. My boxes are about 2 ft. off the floor. Hope this helps.
In most cases the hens will find a place on the ground to care for the chicks. It's not uncommon for them to stay there for a few weeks, or however long it takes for them to feel comfortable taking them close to the flock.
Along the back wall in the photo you will barely see 1&1/2 inch PVC piping with water nipplers attached. It gets fed from a 55 gallon water barrel outside the coop. Tired of filling water containers? Pretty easy maintenance. I have more pictures on that as well if you desire ideas.

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