I think my duck is sick.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
This morning we had a scare. I went out to let the ducks out of their pen. They free range during the day, and are penned up at night. I had to leave this morning and I let them out of their pen and heard a hawk call. I looked up in the trees and couldn't see anything. I stood there for a bit My car had some condensation on the windows so I got in and turned on the wipers. As I was in the car I saw hawk swoop down, the ducks ran, and the hawk flew back up and landed on the roof of the house. I jumped out and stood in front of my car, the hawk flew back up to the trees and landed on a branch. I then turned around and saw the ducks huddled up near the entrance to their pen, so herded them back in and shut them in. I know they were scared since they actually let me herd them right after being let out. Normally that would never have happened. haha. Then I saw it fly off. I was gone for about five hours and came back and stood there looking in the trees and listening. Didn't see or hear anything. Let them out, and noticed one of my Pekins laying down with his beak under his wing. He stayed in for a little bit and I crouched down to get a better look and he was looking at me but didn't move. They are all very skittish so this was my first concern. He did come out and I emptied their pool and refilled it. He hasn't drank any and just stands there, closes his eyes for a bit and then tucks his beak under his wing. All the other ducks are acting normal. What could be wrong?
He could still be in shock. Have you examined him closely to make sure there is no trauma to his body?
This is our first time caring for ducks so my experience isn't vast by any means.
But last Wednesday, our birds were attacked by a falcon.
It actually was able to pin down my female khaki campbell before I was able to chase it away. It took a few days for my female to recover from this. As per suggestion on this board, I put electrolytes in their water and that seemed to help.
Sometimes when my runners panic, which is not often, one will get literally run over by the rest of them if she stumbles at the head of the pack. Some ducks are just a little slower to get over trauma, also.

Electrolytes, vitamins and some TLC may help quite a bit. Put him in a tub of water and watch, see if he favors a leg or a wing, or preens in one spot more than others.
Like others have said- I def think a body check is in order. Make sure no injuries were sustained. Watch him walk aroud and make sure he isn't limping. They can easily get their legs hurt if they are trampled by others. When my crew gets stressed I add Rooster Booster (love that stuff!) to their water. I hope all is well!
This morning we had a scare. I went out to let the ducks out of their pen. They free range during the day, and are penned up at night. I had to leave this morning and I let them out of their pen and heard a hawk call. I looked up in the trees and couldn't see anything. I stood there for a bit My car had some condensation on the windows so I got in and turned on the wipers. As I was in the car I saw hawk swoop down, the ducks ran, and the hawk flew back up and landed on the roof of the house. I jumped out and stood in front of my car, the hawk flew back up to the trees and landed on a branch. I then turned around and saw the ducks huddled up near the entrance to their pen, so herded them back in and shut them in. I know they were scared since they actually let me herd them right after being let out. Normally that would never have happened. haha. Then I saw it fly off. I was gone for about five hours and came back and stood there looking in the trees and listening. Didn't see or hear anything. Let them out, and noticed one of my Pekins laying down with his beak under his wing. He stayed in for a little bit and I crouched down to get a better look and he was looking at me but didn't move. They are all very skittish so this was my first concern. He did come out and I emptied their pool and refilled it. He hasn't drank any and just stands there, closes his eyes for a bit and then tucks his beak under his wing. All the other ducks are acting normal. What could be wrong?
Any update????
Sorry everyone. Busy week. He is trying to drink today, he puts his head down but his beak barley touches the water and he tips back and you can see his throat working like he is drinking but he doesn't have any water in his mouth. I did notice some dirt and a mark on his neck that looks like maybe a talon mark, no blood that I could see. I could not get him in the tub yesterday, planning on doing that today. We got paid today, what do I need to get for the electrolytes and vitamins.
I use electrolytes plus, but there are a number of brands. Also if it were me I would get some antibiotics and start giving them to him.

I wish I could help with expert antibiotics advice, but the only thing I have used - just once - is Tylan and I don't know if that is the best for a suspected wound like that. We used Tylan when the vet found a spirochete in a fecal sample.
I'd def start him on some electrolytes but I wouldn't do antibiotics unless you actually see a wound, or think he maybe ill from something else. Checking him over real good head to toe will give you a better idea whats going on. Also Poultry Nutri Drench is another good vitamin supplement to get. Getting him into some swim water you'll be able to observe whether he is able to drink normally. Hoping you see a turn around soon.

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