I think Pipper killed a Sibling during hatch... EDIT It died


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Chehalis, WA
When Pipper was drying off in the bator, she rocked around one of the other eggs. It was healthy and veiny but I checked on it and there looks to be some kind of blood clot inside the egg when I candle it? And no movement. Do you think I should crack it open? It was due to hatch yesterday... Pipper also pooped on that egg. Pipper doesn't want any siblings I guess?

I opened the egg. It died but didn't look well formed. I don't think Pipper's messing around caused anything. I don't think it would have hatched anyway. Didn't look fully formed but I did see movement a few days ago.
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My chicks knock over the eggs and sometimes mess on them, but thier siblings usually make it out despite all that. You said you candled and could see veins and a spot, right? If the baby was developed enough to hatch, the egg should appear as a dark mass with an air pocket. It may be that the egg you candled was a quitter. There is a candling guide around here on BYC that was really helpful, maybe you could tell us which it most looked like... Heres one with good pictures on duck eggs: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=304863&p=1
the egg was full. Pipper looked the same way, full. But, I have an extremely bright LED light and I can still see some veining and movement, even just before hatch. So, I know it wasn't a quitter before I put the egg in the hatcher. There was movement. I'm just not sure if it died of some natural cause or if Pipper's knocking it around caused a failed hatch... or death?

But the egg in question looks unusual... its hard to explain but it was moving just a couple days ago.
Thanks for the link. I think I might have seen that thread before. Its a good one.
I've always been told not to move goose eggs once they start hatching, so it is very possible that it did kill it. Goose eggs are difficult though, so it could have 'just' died. I never have good luck with goose eggs, I don't know why I even bother
I hate that.
I had an egg that seemed to be kicked and rolled by every duck as they hatched. That one never did hatch. Geese are even trickier. They can't shift positions well because of their longer necks.

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