I used Pine Tar for picking...


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 4, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone. I've been a member for a while now, I like to lurk more than post

I have 10 chickens + 1 Roo + 1 undecided Roo/hen? in my main coop/yard + (4 pullets in a separate pen). The past month 3 of my hens have been getting picked quite badly. Last week I gave away 4 hens 2 pullets and an extra roo to give my girls less crowding thinking it might help.

Anyway I bought some pine tar 3 days ago and put it on the 3 hens with the bald backs/butts, my question is , is it still safe to eat the eggs? I read on the back of the can that you are not supposed to use it on food animals. We have no plans on eating our pet chickens but we do eat their eggs. I'm kind of worried about eating them now, does anyone know if it's safe?

Thank you and this site is such a great source of information!
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