Icelandic Chickens

I have three pullets and two cockerels, but the access that my boys have to them is limited, and it is always while mixed with the rest of the flock (about ten more hens/pullets) I tried to put an apron on a pullet that has her feathers pretty torn up, and the men folk elected to pull it off of her, too. Soooo they now get limited time with the girls to ensure that they don't stress them. They (the cockerels) take their job very seriously, and I don't want a bunch of naked hens out there.

My remaining egg from Flekka is working on hatching. I've been watching it for the last couple of days and didn't see any movement whatsoever, nor did it respond to light like it usually does. There was a bump on the shell where it looked like it had tried to pip, but couldn't break through the membrane. I was sure it was dead after a while, so I took a needle and very carefully lanced it, adjusted the humidity in the bator, and put the egg back overnight. I checked it this morning and found, much to my surprise, that it was moving again and trying to pip internally. I think it finally did pip internally this evening, but I've been moistening the little hole in the shell and checking on it every so often. I'm sorry, but I am just worried about this little one and had the feeling that I needed to help. I have no idea what day it's on. I'll be checking it again in the morning before work, and then again when I get home. I'm doing everything I can to try and avoid it getting shrink-wrapped in there.
Yes, i agree about taking the job seriously. I just don't know where/how to keep him away from the hens without having him locked up in a cage. I just hate having naked backs!!

I have 8 hens to a roo in the Icelandic pen... how big is your pen? more space might help too..
The pen isnt too large probably 8ft by 8ft, they will be rotated out into an outside pen once the weather warms up
My Flekka baby is out. It needed a lot of help, but it's learning how to sit up on its own now and starting to dry. It is a stinky little thing, too. I posted a question over in the hatching section. Just waiting for a few folks to bite so I know more about why it stinks
My Flekka baby is out. It needed a lot of help, but it's learning how to sit up on its own now and starting to dry. It is a stinky little thing, too. I posted a question over in the hatching section. Just waiting for a few folks to bite so I know more about why it stinks
I would think "stink" means bacteria.???

Watch the Flekka baby close.

I can't wait to see a pic of it all fluffed up!

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