Icelandic Chickens

I just pulled some of the cutest little Icelandics out of the incubator

I'm working on finding my camera cord so I can download the pics. Is there anything better than snuzzeling fuzzies?
Mary, Great pictures (as usual!)....keep them coming!

Mahonri, Congrats on a great hatch!! I do take great care of my Icelandics...they are treasures and merit it...but I believe there is more to it than that.
None of the eggs I sent was more than 3 days old at shipping. I use the system I learned here on BYC to pack my eggs....individually wrapped in bubble wrap, large end up in a smaller box, inside a larger box that has more filler to keep the small box from moving, this side up arrows on the box sides. Printed label online with Delivery Confirmation. DH took them to work with him to his Post Office (Naperville, IL) and sent them from there. Naperville has more trucks to and from the processing center each day and mail moves quickly (okay, quickly is relative) compared to our small, rural P.O. Your eggs were mailed Tuesday a.m. and you had them Thursday, so they spent little time in the "system". I think the combination of all of these made the eggs most viable and then you provided the right, though at times, manic, enviroment for them. I hope my pullets, when they are done hatching out the 33 eggs they have, get the same percentage as you!

I'll look for a picture of Dreki as a chick...don't know if I have one that I will be able to identify him in as a newborn though.
Congratulations on all of the hatches !! This has got to be the best time of the year! I am not going to be putting any eggs into the incubator till next month, but will be going for a hatch from those, probably two groups of eggs. Then in a month or so some from the non featherlegged rooster.

Griffinkid I was looking for pics of Nakin Bantams, still looking, only found one so far, I acquirred five little Mille Fleur Bantam chicks this week 2+ weeks old and still look about thalf the size of an Icelandic, beautiful already though ! My only previous experience with Bantams has been the game Bantams, I loved them!

Mary thanks for the info on wry neck, I just got the trio this week also, have never had a problem with that before so a deficeincy seems very plausible.

Great photos Mary, love them !

Good luck to all those Easter Hatchers ! Let us know how you are doing please !

Life is good, and better with Icelandic Chickens !
Wow, gorgeous pictures Mary, Kathyinmo, and Mary (not a farm). I would also love to see pictures of Dreki or any of your others as a chick. Welcome griffinkid, need pictures of you hatch! Also need pictures of your hatch Michelle! I have the inside of my new coop almost done, ready to fill up, pictures to come! Jake ,how are your wry necks?
What should I name this guy? He is about 5 months old and the beginning of my Icelandic flock., a surprise from Sandhill conservation and I fell in love with him. Any ideas? I have him housed with the hens in the layer coop right now, and all the eggs I gather are fertile with 18 hens!

Also here is his future flock in my new chicken coop!

Coop just done (not cleaned up yet from the workers) Has 3 4x4 pens, one 10 x 4, and a broody coop 4x4 in the 10 x 4 section. plus plenty of room for my incubator and supplies!! we have to build chicken doors and outside pens yet. But a great start!
Joyous that is a great looking coop, just near what I need !

Re the Wry necks, I had just the one, this morning it was much worse so I put it down, the other two that came with her seem to be fine. Doing well outside.

Beautiful day here now, sunny, little or no breeze but we had a hard freeze last night.

Spring is here, MI style.
Dreki is the reddish brown chick, fourth fromt the left, amongst his siblings.

Dreki is the chick on the side of Anna inside the nest box-

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