Id Help please


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 6, 2007
Falcon Colorado
hope I do this right. any help with breed would be appreciated, especially with beauty, pic 5, she was such a ugly chick, but I think she is turning into a beauty. these are my 41/2 week olds have 27 total, but many are the same and some I think I've figured out, thankyou






Pic #3 is a Buff Orpington, #4 is a Speckled Sussex, and in #6, you have an Easter Egger on the left and a Rhode Island Red on the right. The others, I don't know. I almost said Silver Laced Wyandotte for the first one, but the legs are the wrong color.
Woohoo then I have 2 buff orpingtons. I'm also happy about the spec sussex, was hopeing that Penny was a RIR, so happy on that. The one in the first pic I have alot of them, MCmurray must of had a run on them that day. Hope someone can figure out the rest especially Beauty, she is so sweet and shy and puffy maybe I should call her marshmellow
could pic #1 be a silver spangled hamburg? Thanks for all the help, it is really appreciated.
Thanks for the replies everybody. I am going to have alot of SSH's. I still hope someone can identify Beauty for me, she really is the oddest looking chicken, so round and grey flecks on her head and those green legs, maybe she is just a oops chick
. oh well she is a sweetie. Thanks again for the help, you all are great
The first is a SSH, I got a bunch with my McMurry order too, the 2nd, if she has feathers on her legs, looks just like my Light Brahman, 3rd could be a BO, 4th an EE, 5th ?, and 6th EE, SSH? and RIR.

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