Ideal surprise specials??


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2015
Central Texas
I got 25 assorted chicks an I am not sure about these few. What are ya'lls thought of these chickens breeds. TIA
im assuming polish but any clue on color when it grows up. I got 5 of these :)

cochin?? its blue on the back an yellow on bottom with a reddish head?

cochin? its brown on top an blue on the bottom. Its my favorite!!

I got 5 of the yellow an 5 silver laced but this one is all alone. its a pale blue. cant be silkie since its got normal feet right so another polish.

this one is already cocky!

i got a bunch of these little guys. I think the one in the back is rhode island red but the one in front is just yellow. thoughts?? TIA
Adorable chicks!

These are guesses, so don't take them as fact. I'm no expert

1 is a Polish
2 is a Buff Brahma
4 is a Polish
6 could be a Black Giant or the black variety of the Blue Andalusian
The last ones could be Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires or Red Stars

Best of luck with your chicks!
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