Identify predator


5 Years
Jun 1, 2019
Western North Carolina.
Hey all,

I lost a hen yesterday morning to some unknown predator. I’ll be getting batteries for my trail cam today to see if I can identify it, but I thought I’d also post her to get some input.

I have a separate coop and run from my main coop with two hens. It’s used to separate from the rest of the flock for any injuries or diseases. I lock all my birds up every night. The latch on the smaller coop door is not tight, and can be pushed out from the inside. I didn’t think much of this, as my two hens would sort of let themselves out during the early morning sometimes, and I was fine with that. Come that morning (around 8:30 AM), the door was opened (obviously) and I only saw one hen roaming. She was unscathed, but a bit frantic. I found the other lying in the corner of the run, dead, with a small puncture wound to the back of the neck and her intestines pulled out and eaten from her cloaca. There were two feather piles just feet apart, but it wasn’t many. Whatever killed her digs smallish holes, and ate from the poultry block last night. If anyone could help ID what predator killed her, I’d be very grateful.

Thank you for reading.

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