Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

I too, ordered the (50 qty) Meat & Egg Combo from MM. What I got was 32 Cornish Cross and 24 layer breeds. Out of the 24 layers I got 20 hens and 4 roosters. I had also ordered 10 extra hens for a friend.
All together I received 74 chicks, so I got a few extra chicks with my order (more roos I'm afraid-I have 9 of them). Good thing too because I had 3 of the meat birds die after 2 weeks and 2 of the layers(too young to tell if they were roos or hens).
Anyhow, I got a good assortment of layers including BO, RIR, White Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Buff Rocks, Barred Rocks, Black Stars, Black Australorps, Silver Spangled Hamburghs and 1 mystery hen (Silver Splashed something-probably a mixed breed). She's very friendly.
The Hamburghs are the prettiest and 1 of them is a roo who has been crowing for 6 weeks, The 2nd roo to begin crowing is a Black Australorp. I can hardly wait for the other roos to chime in.

I have neighbors 1/4 mile away who have roos too and mine and theirs have "conversations". I love it!
Good luck with your hens-I wish you many eggs.
Well I will end this all I have decided by saying it really does not matter what thay are! Ilove them all and I will be happy with what they deliver for me. Nugget brings a smile to my face with every crow and Missy and the other girls great me eagerly every time I approach to see what I might have for them. They always make me smile! I find myself easily lost for long amounts of time just watching their antics. It really doesn't matter to me what variety they are. I am just trying to keep track for my "records".
Nuggetsowner:) :

It really doesn't matter to me what variety they are. I am just trying to keep track for my "records".

Well, see, here is your problem, you have completely missed the entire jist of this thread, It may not matter to you, but it does matter to US

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