if i incubate myself??


7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Central Arkansas
if i incubate myself can i put the babies back with the hens in a day or two? or is it better to let moms hatch them then keep the peeps seperate but still let moms in with the peeps?? i should be getting eggs in a few weeks for the very first time.....
depends on your hens and what kind of facilities you have for them....i like the hen to raise them..if the hen is a good setter she will probalby beat you at incubation...if your brooder is great you might beat her at rearing them ..but if she has them it is a lot less trouble for you..if you hatch them and put them under her at night she will probably take them..but you do need to moniter this and make sure she dont reject them as she might peck them to run them off ....good luck and watch out for chicken math it could strike you as you began to hatch chicks...

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