If you bring in a sick chicken and it's 12 degrees


Free Ranging
16 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Does it hurt to put it back out after it's been in a warm house? (once the chicken is well of course) I have always wondered about that. I'm not sure anyone knows, google doesn't or I'm not asking the right question.
Are you facing this situation currently?
If you have to bring a sick bird inside during a cold spike, keeping the room at 35-45 degree's until you take them back outside can make it much easier when you need to take them back out.
Are you facing this situation currently?
If you have to bring a sick bird inside during a cold spike, keeping the room at 35-45 degree's until you take them back outside can make it much easier when you need to take them back out.
That's a good idea....to lower the temp before you take them out. And no it's not me, but I had a sick chicken a while back but she was in my basement which was cool. Not sure it was 35 but maybe 60. I'll get a thermometer next time.

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