If you had to choose just 2-3 hens: help me start!

RIR are great layers but mine tend to be a bit more independent.. I have 4 black stars that are super layers, beautiful and extra sweet.. I swear it seems like one of em says Hello everytime I see her.. but that could just be me..
My Barred Rocks are great too...( but I have heard some ppl say they are somewhat aggressive but mine arent)..
I have some red stars that are only about 8 weeks old but are so friendly, one loves you to sit in the pen with her and hops on your lap.
Only 3
then I'd choose a Black Star, A Blue Andalusian and an EE. You'd get 3 different colored eggs and the Black Star would make sure you got at least one a day and each girl would be a different color as well.
2 of my barred rocks will pec at you when trying to get a egg or pet there tail feathers. i love the black sex links the let you pet there tail feathers get the eggs right from under them
and people here are right they are great layers. i want more of those
i started a thread about barred rocks a little while ago

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