I'm having a hard time


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
I had 38 mixed eggs due May 11th... only 8 have hatched. I am new to this. This was my third batch in my little giant bator. the first batch 16 out of 38 hatched. My second batch I got 0 but it turned out the thermometer I had in it was way off so I fixed that. Now this batch im not getting much luck again. It seems they are dying in the final stages just before hatching. I am puzzled. I know that there will be some loss but this seems like alot. Is there something that I could be doing wrong in the last few days. I am taking the turner out on day 18 bringing humidity up to around 70% and locking them down. am I missing something. I also have a Bantham who went broody on me so I gave her some eggs to set on. they should be due any day now. Will she know if the eggs are not going to hatch or do i need to take them from her eventually?
Try search for 'dry hatching'. I once believed that I had to bring humidity up that high, but luckily, I read some posts from seasoned hatchers about dry hatching, meaning low humidity around 30%-40%. THat was what I had for my hatch a couple of weeks ago. It was my first hatch, and in a homemade incubator. I got 17 chicks out of 18 eggs. It would have been 18 chicks but the last one pipped then suffocated. Also, lock down does NOT mean you can't open the lid. I opened my bator's lid as often as needed to keep the temp in range and to help the newly hatched chicks. Good luck this time.
I agree on the 70 might be too high ifthey die at the last minute.Possibly they are drowning at the end
I wouldnt go over 65.If i go really low though then they are sticky or shrink but it really depends on where you live.Every enviroment is different.Gotta try things until one works
It doesnt usually actually stay at 70 percent humidity but i try to keep it close because that is what I always read. I live on the gulf coast where it is already super humid so maybe that is too much. It is just a little frustrating this is twice now that I have had a ton of eggs not hatch and when I check a few of the eggs they are fully formed but never pipped.
I was told by a breeder here that opening the incubator in the last three days is a death sentence. Not sure what the science is behind it though.
I was told by a breeder here that opening the incubator in the last three days is a death sentence. Not sure what the science is behind it though.
The death sentence they are referring to is the possibility of the chicks being shrink-wrapped, but in my experience, shrink-wrap is caused by high TEMPERATURE which in turn drives down the humidity, which then dries out the chicks. If you have the fan blowing directly on the eggs, that will also dry them out.

Don't believe the breeder or what anyone else says. Believe in the results from your last two hatches. It's hard to believe that the brooding hen body can provide that much humidity through all that feathers.
I am using an incubator with no fan now. I am considering getting a fan for it though. and yeah I agree on the brooding hen not providing that much humidity.

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