I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa


7 Years
Jul 21, 2013
Molly has a comb and wattle almost as large as my 26 week old Buff Orpington.

She IS a she, right? And a Rhode Island Red?

Sorry to say it, but looks like a Roo. Judging by the comb/wattle size, tail shape, and thickness of the legs, there's not much chance that it's a pullet. Sorry! :/

*sobbs sobbs sobbs*

This would be the second time I tried for a RIR pullet and they turned out to be a roo! The first was from TSC, this one I spent big bucks on from My Pet Chicken.



*sobbs sobbs sobbs*

This would be the second time I tried for a RIR pullet and they turned out to be a roo! The first was from TSC, this one I spent big bucks on from My Pet Chicken.



MPC is charging big bucks for RIRs? They get them from the same hatcheries as the feed stores.
MPC is charging big bucks for RIRs? They get them from the same hatcheries as the feed stores.

It was the shipping. I can only legally have 4 chickens in my city, so I could only order the minimum of 3 chicks. That was $45 for 3 chicks, vaccinations and overnight shipping.
I'm not giving up. Molly's tail feathers look exactly the same as her nest mates, and her body shape does, too. Molly's tail feathers sprouted at the same time, same size, as theirs.

My other RIR roo didn't have this huge comb and wattle, his didn't start coming in until about 8 weeks. And he had NO tail to speak of until then, either.

She just might have a large comb, that's all.

I'm crossing my fingers.

I got mine from MPC too and ended up with with what most people think is a room (Speckled Sussex) but has me confused still, even at 13 weeks LOL. I'm holding out!!

Drat! I would definitely hold out till he crows or you get an egg, but that is a prett darn tall comb for his age.

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