I'm so old I Remember when:

Of course not, you ghoul! When I found dead ones I collected them. Still do. I know better, now, than to put them in my pockets.
Lol, I knew you wouldn't.
Just wasn't sure where you'd come up with them from other then grills/radiators of vehicles.
My sister was the incompetent housekeeper. She did it on purpose? I think her strategy was to do it really badly so that mom got exasperated and didn't have her do it so that she herself would have to redo it.
I got yelled at so often about the 'quality' of my housework!
I did try. I must be OCD. I remember once Mom sent me to go clean the living room. I had a wonderful time. An hour or so later she came to check on me and boy did I get yelled at! There were still newspapers scattered everywhere, the room had not been vacuumed or dusted, slipcovers were awry... but every Reader's Digest magazine for the last ten years or so was in chronological order! I thought I was doing a wonderful job!
I did try. I must be OCD. I remember once Mom sent me to go clean the living room. I had a wonderful time. An hour or so later she came to check on me and boy did I get yelled at! There were still newspapers scattered everywhere, the room had not been vacuumed or dusted, slipcovers were awry... but every Reader's Digest magazine for the last ten years or so was in chronological order! I thought I was doing a wonderful job!
Oh yes, my mom has asked me to help clean many times. We have a lot of books...by the end of the day the books have all been read and arranged neatly on the shelves, while everything else is still a mess.

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