I'm so old I Remember when:

Speaking of magnets. I remember when Mainframe computers would fill a room and had air conditioning just for them.... Being it is to late to prosecute another family member he had this sordid desire to take a heli with a giant magnet and hover over the IRS building..... Yup that would break a few big computers... At least he thought so. He didn't have money for the magnet much less the heli....
Speaking of magnets. I remember when Mainframe computers would fill a room and had air conditioning just for them.... Being it is to late to prosecute another family member he had this sordid desire to take a heli with a giant magnet and hover over the IRS building..... Yup that would break a few big computers... At least he thought so. He didn't have money for the magnet much less the heli....
I did not hear any of this.

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