I'm so old I Remember when:

I remember when I could afford my college tuition by combining Pell grants, what I could save working overtime hours during the summer, earning a couple modest but helpful scholarships, being able to afford basic living expenses working 25-30 hours during the school year. And the student loan debt I was left with after graduating, I paid off with $75/month for 3 years.
Anybody who tells today's young people to quit eating Avocado toast and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, has no clue how challenging today's costs are.
That's the problem, college tuition increased 8% every semester when I was in college. That's an astronomical increase. They're pricing out the middle class. Books were also expensive, hundreds of dollars and the professor chose the next edition for the next semester so you couldn't get a good price on your book. I bought used books as much as I could. The one edition I bought the only difference was the order of the chapters. I paid $20 for it, my peers paid $200 for theirs. Student loan forgiveness isn't the answer, there needs to be reform at the college level.

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