I'm so old I Remember when:

But the landlines all go through the internet as well, and even in areas where they don't, 911 is likely to be net based. We had a landline at my old house. Power was out, but I figured the wall phone woukd be working so we could notify the power company...nope. Dead air. Not even a dial tone. It came back up when the power came back on.
I remember when landlines worked even if the electricity didn't 😂
How come?
Originally, landlines were powered, so if the power went out the phones could still be used. They also had multiple routes, so if one section of line went down they could reroute through another.

When you called 911 through a landline, it was always available and they knew precisely where you were calling from.
True but the center knows your address when using a landline. Do they know that if you are using your cell phone? At one time I know they did not. I asked before I got the land line.
They do now. My kid called 911 years ago from her cell phone and hung up. A very nice police officer came to our door to explain to her why she shouldn't do that. 😂
I was at the college where I worked and they had just switched off class schedules for 911 right after plane 1 and we saw plane two hit live.
A friend online messaged me "A plane hit a building in NYC" so I turned on the television. I also saw the second plane hit live. :(
My landline is on a UPS for constant power. It works even if the tower is having problems and they do where I am.

What happens if you dial 911 from an address a few doors down? Can they determine exactly which residence you are calling from? I don't know... If so Big Brother is getting good.

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