I'm so old I Remember when:

They dragged wrecked car into the parking lot and had a whole play about drinking and driving at my school. That brought in police cars and EMS. They even had the funeral home drive in with a hearse to take away the kid that “died” in the crash
Yup, they were still doing that when my daughters were in jr. and sr. high (early 2000s). The kids just rolled their eyes and my girls called it "a waste of time"(except for the drama students who acted in the "play" and got out of other classes for it). Just like the D.A.R.E. anti-drug program. As with my (60s) generation, the in-school programs went so hysterical and frankly lied about so much (pot does not equal heroin, thank you) that kids experimented anyway, trusting peers more than the adults in authority. As for the careless driving, didn't seem to make any difference.

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