I'm so old I Remember when:

So... Last week? You're like 12. get outta here! :p
Oh, and I forgot to add:

how rude GIF
My god, I remember almost all of this. Not because I am old (I am 32), but because I grew up poorer than poor and my parents kept all of their old things. We had a party line when I was little, and I do not miss that. I do miss our landline, though. And our old-school rotary phone. And the use of a road atlas. Probably why I went out and bought most of these things fairly recently so that I could have them all back. 😉 Glass dolls, Cabbage Patch Kids, vintage music boxes, rocking chairs, box tvs, boomboxes that weigh almost as much as an adult. All of it. 😂❤️
You're 32 and party lines were still around when you were little? 🤨
And I thought Missouri was slow to modernize.

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