I'm so old I Remember when:

I figured y’all would be more open to it since you weren’t raised with my generation :)
When I was in 6th grade, our health class taught us all about sutures, splints, how to care for someone having a seizure, etc. Once I entered 7th grade, we spent 3 semesters learning about our reproductive organs (really? Who needs half a year to teach that?) and the final semester was us teaming up and "raising" a crying, peeing doll. I was, thankfully, in the throes of rapid-cycling BPD and I told the teacher that if they handed me the faux brat, I would be coming in the next day with a melted doll sammich. I was excused from the class. I did not take it to be taught 9 months of reproductive crap. I wanted to learn everything about blood borne pathogens, red cells, white cells, what happened to your bronchial tubes during an asthma attack, how to perform cpr, and all manner of things that would be useful. 8th grade was a recap of baby making and child-rearing. Not my thing, so I skipped those classes and hid in the library. I taught myself everything I needed to know, and researched my own mental health problems because the sex ed teacher (she does not deserve the title of "health teacher") could not be bothered to teach such things. And because I could not teach myself cpr, I learned other ways to save someone who is choking. All good things to know. When my nephew was a baby, and I was his nanny, he was choking and starting to turn blue. He could not breathe. And I used the information that I had needed to teach myself to clear his airway and get him breathing again. So no, I do not care for today's "health" classes.
I remember when people died from eating burgers not cooked well enough to kill the pathogens in burgers at Jack-in-the-Box burger joint(s).

I'm like the only person on this forum that eats a fully cooked burger.

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