I'm so old I Remember when:

Least dirty first. Usually drinkware, then silverware then plates and such. Dirtiest like pots and pans last.
Mom wanted squeaky clean glasses, hottest clean soapy water with no other left over food residue in the water to show on the glass. How many times did I slice my fingers when I would break a glass in the old porcelain sink? MANY! Another dish washing sin I committed is when I took an SOS pad to my Grandmother's old cast Iron frying pan, nearly gave her a heart attack!
Anyone remember way back when grandma cooked a big meal with lots of vegetable and meats for a noon meal and when everyone was done eating she would move the bowls of food to the middle of the table? Then she would cover them with a big cloth and when it was time to eat supper she would uncover the food and supper was served. I only knew one lady that did this. When she cooked a meal it was for even when it was just the two of them eating. She didn't know how to cook for less than a family after years of feed big family.
Anyone remember way back when grandma cooked a big meal with lots of vegetable and meats for a noon meal and when everyone was done eating she would move the bowls of food to the middle of the table? Then she would cover them with a big cloth and when it was time to eat supper she would uncover the food and supper was served. I only knew one lady that did this. When she cooked a meal it was for even when it was just the two of them eating. She didn't know how to cook for less than a family after years of feed big family.
My grandma did the same thing except when it was really hot, then she'd put the bowls in big metal roasting pans and set them in the milk house, which was always cool, till the evening meal.
If chickens don't work get some ganders, big ganders and invite coworker for a picnic along with the ganders....

I remember what happen to my foreman's wife that was leaning way into the cab of their pickup for the last bag of groceries..... when her gander spotted her. :oops:
I would watch my birds eat grass but they keep running to me 🤣
Mom wanted squeaky clean glasses, hottest clean soapy water with no other left over food residue in the water to show on the glass. How many times did I slice my fingers when I would break a glass in the old porcelain sink? MANY! Another dish washing sin I committed is when I took an SOS pad to my Grandmother's old cast Iron frying pan, nearly gave her a heart attack!
We always rinsed all our dishes til they looked clean, stacked them neatly on the counter and then washed with scalding hot water. If there were any food particles in the wash water you had to drain the sink and start over. Rinsing had to be done under running water and you lightly rubbed to make sure the soap was rinsed away.
Our home-ec class had us fill bins in each sink, one for washing, one for rinsing. We didn't pre-rinse before washing and we dunked to rinse. The rinse water would often end up with food particles in it. It was really rather gross.
Just remembered what I had forgot. How many remember the first thing the waitress did when you sat down for a meal at a restaurant way back then? I remember getting a glass of iced water followed by what will you be drinking to day? Mine was always "Iced Tea". Now I just get Iced Tea.
I’m good with that, too many places are in drought conditions to waste water that nobody drinks.
We always rinsed all our dishes til they looked clean, stacked them neatly on the counter and then washed with scalding hot water. If there were any food particles in the wash water you had to drain the sink and start over. Rinsing had to be done under running water and you lightly rubbed to make sure the soap was rinsed away.
Our home-ec class had us fill bins in each sink, one for washing, one for rinsing. We didn't pre-rinse before washing and we dunked to rinse. The rinse water would often end up with food particles in it. It was really rather gross.
Our morning dishes get a dunk in a small bin of water before going into the dishwasher. Dinner dishes are scraped, not rinsed, and the dishwasher runs every night.

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