I'm so old I Remember when:

We always rinsed all our dishes til they looked clean, stacked them neatly on the counter and then washed with scalding hot water. If there were any food particles in the wash water you had to drain the sink and start over. Rinsing had to be done under running water and you lightly rubbed to make sure the soap was rinsed away.
Our home-ec class had us fill bins in each sink, one for washing, one for rinsing. We didn't pre-rinse before washing and we dunked to rinse. The rinse water would often end up with food particles in it. It was really rather gross.
I admit to rinsing under running water. I like to have a stack to rinse at once to avoid turning on/off constantly. I also don't like food particles in rinse water (I will pre-rinse very soiled dishes) and also hated it when a sink of rinse water seemed to accumulate a bunch of soapy water. Yuck!

When I first got married, I couldn't understand why DH rinsed out every single glass he pulled out of the cabinet before getting a drink. Apparently, he had gotten a glass with soapy residue in in too many times. I assured him that he would not have to worry about that in my house! Eventually he realized he didn't need to rinse out every glass before using it....
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Mom wanted squeaky clean glasses, hottest clean soapy water with no other left over food residue in the water to show on the glass. How many times did I slice my fingers when I would break a glass in the old porcelain sink? MANY! Another dish washing sin I committed is when I took an SOS pad to my Grandmother's old cast Iron frying pan, nearly gave her a heart attack!
That would give me a heart attack too!!
Supposedly, you aren't supposed to have to pre-rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but I still find that I need to.
I’m in the desert and we now only get a bit more than 7” of rain a year so are getting creative with water saving techniques. If I must rinse I give it a light scrub with a wet sponge instead.
Another dish washing sin I committed is when I took an SOS pad to my Grandmother's old cast Iron frying pan, nearly gave her a heart attack!
I don't want to put my "Southerner Card" at risk here but, I'm told and have found they're is not a problem using dish soap on cast iron. The problem was when the only soap was 'lye soap' which leached the seasoning out.
I like my cast iron and stainless pots and pans so I can steel wool them if need be. I wouldn't use the teflon coated ***p for love or money. IMHO

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