I'm so old I Remember when:

My DH still does this and my girls think it's sexist. Makes me sad for them.
The young ladies also feel that way if you hold the door for them, open a car door or pull out thier chair. BUT I have noticed that as they age, have an armful of babies or start to need a cane, thier atitude changes. Just ask Janet Joplin. We men just have to be persistent! Yes it started that far back, but we have persevered!
I remember that we were taught in about the 5th grade the proper way to walk your girl friend or later your wife down a city side walk. The boy or man should always walk on the curb side as to be between any danger and your girl.
This is getting bad.
At my school all the girls had to do basic home economics stuff - sewing a seam (useful), making a buttonhole, cooking something (I forget what now).
Then, later in the year some of us (including me) did math and science stuff, and the other girls did what? I don’t truly know, but we always said it was learning how to get in and out of a sports car without showing your underwear.
:gig :gig
My mom told me about when she was a girl (1930s & 40s) and how all the ethnic neighborhood people got along. They would use words like Guinea, Wop, Mick, Polak to describe each other, and then they'd laugh over the names. No one was offended.
It was the same here in Australia. My father worked at then BHP Steel with numerous "New Australians" from all the world and said going to work was fun; a bit of ribbing never hurt anyone. In the 1970s a young couple from Ohio rented the flat -downstairs space from us (not big enough to be called an aprtment, athough today it would be concidered prize reale$tate). Robert was a woodwork teacher and body builder. Dad used to build timber speed boats before he started building houses. Robert was, at times, affectionately known as 'the Yank' and always laughed when he heard it. He organised bus trips away with troubled senior students during his career at the local High School, even organised the fundraising to get the school its own bus etc. He said a lot of those boys would challenge him and many got into fisty-cuffs with him on those trips. Imagine that today! And many of them are still great friends with him to this day.

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