I'm so old I Remember when:

Besides S&H Green Stamps there was another stamp that Winn Dixie stores gave that was yellow. I think they called them TV stamps but I could be wrong on that. Mom only used Green Stamps.
We also had Blue Chip stamps (out in California after we relocated for Dad's work). Depending on what item she was saving stamps for, Mom could adjust some of her shopping to which stores gave which stamps.
I remember being in the big Northridge, CA earthquake in 1992. It was scary. No power, no gas, gas stations were on fire, buildings were on top of cars.
Us, too! We were in our 1910 bungalow Pasadena - what a wild ride, in the wee hours in the dark! Upstairs, the floors undulated in waves underfoot so I kind of half-flew down the hall to check on our toddler daughter [who slept through it]. Power was out and no news yet on the radio after we checked for any damage - just a couple of wine glasses broke but stuff shifted a lot. We sat in the kitchen by flashlight and said, "Wow, this was really bad somewhere close!" Little did we realize...

We both worked for Caltrans; husband a field engineer, called out at daylight to look at freeway damage. Holy Cow! 5/14 interchange fell apart, stranding cars and a big motorhome way up in the air! They had to bring in a huge crane to get them down, rescued people by helicopter as I recall. So many homes, apartments & businesses destroyed and people killed/trapped/injured. New building standards and retrofits resulted but apparently a lot of older residential buildings still haven't been upgraded, it's so expensive.😟
Besides S&H Green Stamps there was another stamp that Winn Dixie stores gave that was yellow. I think they called them TV stamps but I could be wrong on that. Mom only used Green Stamps.
Us too..my step-dad would get them from the ..Dino..gas station. There was a special store to go to ..to spend them.
The Brady Bunch

Gillian’s Island

Green Acres….
Hee Haw
The Gong Show
Mr. Ed
My Favorite Martian
I Dream of Jeannie
Dark Shadows
My Mother The Car (egad...)

So much "quality television", but mostly harmless fun! Some now are classics:

The Addams Family (MIL loved "how they're so polite to each other, and family is so important!") Morticia is my role model in many ways! 😊

Or new, controversial, even game-changing: "The Smothers Brothers', "Laugh In", "All in the Family", "Julia"
I remember that we were taught in about the 5th grade the proper way to walk your girl friend or later your wife down a city side walk. The boy or man should always walk on the curb side as to be between any danger and your girl.
My husband did this with me! I loved it! He was such a gentleman.
Hee Haw
The Gong Show
Mr. Ed
My Favorite Martian
I Dream of Jeannie
Dark Shadows
My Mother The Car (egad...)

So much "quality television", but mostly harmless fun! Some now are classics:

The Addams Family (MIL loved "how they're so polite to each other, and family is so important!") Morticia is my role model in many ways! 😊

Or new, controversial, even game-changing: "The Smothers Brothers', "Laugh In", "All in the Family", "Julia"
Gosh forgot about all those - wow - I am old!
🤔 :confused: What was so horrible about gym class?
For those who are not "sporty" it was an hour of failure and ridicule. I was unable to climb a rope, so I was laughed at. I tried jumping the vault, slammed my knees into the box, hurt like the dickens. And I got laughed at. I had little balance, coordination. And even though I tried, I got laughed at.

When my family moved to a bigger town the gym classes were electives. I took archery and swimming. And I didn't get laughed at.
The young ladies also feel that way if you hold the door for them, open a car door or pull out thier chair. BUT I have noticed that as they age, have an armful of babies or start to need a cane, thier atitude changes. Just ask Janet Joplin. We men just have to be persistent! Yes it started that far back, but we have persevered!
My husband. I miss that gentle--man.
I'd rather clean chicken coops than play volleyball like we did back in the 50's.
Any day of the week and twice on Sunday! Hated gym so much - made me loath any kind of sport involving a ball for the rest of my life, plus the shame/stigma of always being chosen last for teams because I was so lousy at the games. If it didn't involve horses or the woods, I didn't want any part of it.

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