I'm so old I Remember when:

For those who are not "sporty" it was an hour of failure and ridicule. I was unable to climb a rope, so I was laughed at. I tried jumping the vault, slammed my knees into the box, hurt like the dickens. And I got laughed at. I had little balance, coordination. And even though I tried, I got laughed at.

When my family moved to a bigger town the gym classes were electives. I took archery and swimming. And I didn't get laughed at.
Oh, a follow-up...when my children were being bullied and the school wouldn't do anything I enrolled them in martial arts. The bullying subsided after a couple "incidents".
I decided to take classes, too. I was 33, overweight, out of shape, but determined. Every time I tried to do a kick I fell over, my balance was that bad. I had a great instructor who gave me the time to develop, and no one laughed at me. I might have done better in sports if the gym teachers had more empathy for a student with no natural ability.
Any day of the week and twice on Sunday! Hated gym so much - made me loath any kind of sport involving a ball for the rest of my life, plus the shame/stigma of always being chosen last for teams because I was so lousy at the games. If it didn't involve horses or the woods, I didn't want any part of it.
No one wanted me on their team either...

I got over it. :caf

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