I'm so old I Remember when:

I got to help deliver a calf, too ... after the cow's owner, hired hand and vet walked away after the cow delivered a dead heifer and I told them there was another calf coming. It was a big heifer so they didn't believe me till I insisted they come look. It was a little bull calf and his nostrils were twitching... they had to pull him, he was actually huge. Vet said I saved him. 😊 Not bad for a city gurrl.
To me possum was like a cross between a fatty pork roast and turkey. Squirrel was like a nutty, earthy, dark meat turkey. And racoon was similar to goat meat, only more greasy and really tender. They all are a bit gamey tasting, probably the possum most of all. But they were all yummy. :drool if you like rabbit, you'd probably like all these too. :)
Hm possum sounds all right!

Most school holidays my grandparents would take my sister and I shooting rabbit and duck. Pop did all the prep outside, as far from Nan as possible hahaha. Great-Nan would have the wood stove ready and the bunny would stew all nite. Nan would get up through the nite to check on the bunny. Lunch the next day was a feast of goodness no restaurant can match ;)
Ya I don't think Trip knows anything about milking cows.
You're being facetious
She might surprise you. I used to milk my neighbor's cow when they went on vacations. I grew up in Denver, though, so I was an adult with small children before I got that education.
He's joking. He knows I practically grew up on the family dairy farm in PA. Milked many a cow in my day. Helped deliver calves, helped with a few holsteins that had flipped stomachs. Moved piglets to the grow out barn, then months later loaded them onto the butcher trucks. Led mama pigs to the birthing barn... My family still has that farm in PA. They milk over 125 head now, have over 300 total cows. They sell their milk to Land O Lakes. Great memories growing up, wish I could live there now
Yo, @tripletfeb, you been called out!
I'm coming, I'm coming. Hey @The Moonshiner take this...
shocked melissa mccarthy GIF

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