I'm so old I Remember when:

I read about a lot of folks who had outhouses but except for the deer camp I never had one. One summer though ('73), I helped my Dad install bathrooms in houses that had just gotten "city water". These were worker's cabins on a Sugar plantation between New Orleans and Baton Rouge (and all that that implies) and may have been using those outhouses for 200 years.
Dad was an electrician but work was slow and he was painting and plumbing on his BIL's place and I had just graduated (HS) in time to help out. One of the houses was an Acadian style house that was probably the "big house" a couple hundred years ago. It was hot and dirty work but the River was high and at night we would go 'froging' and run trot lines for catfish. Great chance to work with my hands, and my Dad.
No real story here, just a chance to reminisce. Thanks.
It is definitely a “real” story! Thank you for sharing 😊
That's it! We students were really bummed that we wouldn't be involved in the "riot" scenes depicted on the poster. They started filming that the day after our agreed-upon "volunteer extra" days were finished.

I'd forgotten that it was supposedly set in 2022! That seemed impossibly far into the future. 🙄 🤣 But I wasn't even 20 yet, so...
That is so cool! 😃
One of the weirdnesses of living & going to school in L.A. No idea what connections the Cal State Northridge (then still "Valley State College") psych prof had with the studio or movie producers to make that "volunteer extras" deal to help fund the counseling center. But it sure was fun!
I remember when folks had 1 automobile that dad took to work. If Mom was baking and ran short on sugar or flour I would be sent next door to "Mrs Smith or Jones" to borrow a cup. Pay back I would be sent back with 2 cups.
Unless your name is Eugene Jerome and you lived in Brighton Beach, then you were sent to the store for the butter or flour. Again and again.

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