I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember when ...
we were the first family in the neighborhood to get a color TV. My Mom made a TON of popcorn and Kool-Ade. All of the kids piled into our family room to watch Gilligan's Island. ALL of the kids ... Every. Single. One. There must have been at least twenty of us. We made a HUGE mess, but we sure had a blast!
Nothing I say in the following is meant to be hurtful or mean but it’s just things that I have noticed in my few years of life.
I can remember when most families would eat together, at the same table! When children were taught manners, to be obedient & respectful of their elders! When it was unusual to hear of divorces & normal to know marriages of 30-40 yrs.
I remember when kids were sent outdoors to play & encouraged to have an imagination. When kids were taught to read & expand their knowledge & vocabulary at the same time. When kids weren’t raised by the sewage spewed from Hollywood. When crime was unheard of in rural America, we slept at night with our windows open. Our neighbors were our friends & we knew them on a first name basis. When most everyone had respect for a Sunday & the few people who worked only did so in an emergency.

Sorry for the rant, but I was raised rather old fashioned & the state of society is disgusting from the perspective of how I was brought up!
:goodpost: :clap

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