I'm so old I Remember when:

Same. I was in 7th grade. I remember my teacher bawling her eyes out bc her sibling was working in the towers. She never talked about it after, and I was sent to my uncle's house in Florida shortly after to finish the school year. You?

Also. I remember Oregon Trail, and floppy discs.
Second grade I’m pretty sure. Maybe first. The teachers were all crying but nobody would tell us what was going on. Then I remember at home my parents were watching the news that evening and I snuck in the room and watched some. :oops:
Paul and Blue. Where is this and is it still around?
  • Travelers stop to look at Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, sculpted out of concrete on the shores of northern Minnesota's Lake Bemidji. The sculptures still exist today as one of the most photographed roadside attractions in the U.S.—and the duo are on the National Register of Historic Places.


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