I'm so old I Remember when:

Well.. my nostalgic sounds a song...but sharing it anyway 😄.
My dad singing "If silence is golden". He didn't sing it the way Lynn Anderson did. His version was beautiful and poignant in a way hers misses. He passed away about 20 years ago and I'll never hear it sung that way again. Unless I magically develop decent singing pipes of my own 😂
Do it . . . .
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's Amore."
"When your swimming in the sea and an eel bites your knee, that's a Moray."
Pretty Girls Lol GIF by Dot Cromwell

I remember when winters were COLD & SNOWY! -20 was the norm and 6’ of snow was expected. We would walk on the snow banks that the snow plows push up and we would be almost able to reach the power line.

Thankfully we don’t get hardly any snow now, it’s usually very cold still but not as snowy.

This year we hardly have any snow and it’s been quite mild. I am loving it! I hate winter 🤨

(I know I just jinxed myself)
  • Travelers stop to look at Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, sculpted out of concrete on the shores of northern Minnesota's Lake Bemidji. The sculptures still exist today as one of the most photographed roadside attractions in the U.S.—and the duo are on the National Register of Historic Places.

I really want an oxen team - while visiting a friend in Nova Scotia we went to a local Fair and the oxen were beautiful, they had their horns tipped with brass and they hooves we’re shod like a horse’s!

They were calm and serene and patient, and wow could they pull!

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