I'm so old I Remember when:

Oh, yes, I remember that one! They read the salsa jar's label and explode, "New York City!" and one growls, "GET A ROPE..."😂

To this day DH and I will quote that one to each other. (Proper salsa is a big deal to us. ☺️)
My mom has told us that one many times! When my sister and I go shopping and we see an item mentioned in the old commercials we promptly recite it in unison :idunno…not loudly of course!
How many still do this when there are no buns around? View attachment 3725533
Do you know what all is in most of the commercial ones?
We did it cause no funds was around. Matter of fact as a kid I'd roast hotdogs over the flame from the range. Ate so many one time that I never ate any again. At 48 years old I still get nauseated thinking about what I did when I was probably around 10.
One of the better things that happened to you.
I wasn't the smartest child
I'd say you were intelligent, thinking beyond "the run of the mill".
Just the class clown and now a byc comedian.
Looking at a real old tv program with Jefferson airplane, Joni Mitchel, Cosby,Stills Nash and Young. And lots of real old commercials. 🤣
Oh, WOW, what a major blast from the past!!! Love everyone sitting on the floor or naugahide cushions, and Dick Cavett trying to look & be cool...:lau Love looking back at the fashions and hairstyles on the musicians AND the audience!

And those commercials! Instant Folgers can save your marriage/Kool Aid Kids in Japan, inciting atrocious stereotypes/buy him 007 mens cologne or the Bond Girl will steal YOUR man...😄😅🤣

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