I'm so old I Remember when:

Speaking of remembering Expo 67, we had our first two small kids with us. One was walking on his own quite well and one in a stroller. Everyone was busy looking at all there was to see until Ma says where is Tom. He was walking to good. We look and looked and finally found him in the Russian pavilion. The shock was boosted as this was when the Cold War was heating up. That was the highlight of our trip.
I'm so old I remember the classified adds in a lot of magazines and news papers for such things as "old family recipes" that were offered for a dollar. "Send one dollar and a self addressed stamped envelope to". Later SASE was used for the instructions on how to buy. Many different adds were used for a wide variety of items. I don't know if this is still used or not as Facebook Market Place has really grown as a place to sell a diverse list of things.
I'm so old I remember the classified adds in a lot of magazines and news papers for such things as "old family recipes" that were offered for a dollar. "Send one dollar and a self addressed stamped envelope to". Later SASE was used for the instructions on how to buy. Many different adds were used for a wide variety of items. I don't know if this is still used or not as Facebook Market Place has really grown as a place to sell a diverse list of things.
I never had the nerve to order these.
(Though I guess I knew they were fake.)
I never had the nerve to order these.
(Though I guess I knew they were fake.)
View attachment 3782473
I never saw the add but I can see the trouble a person could have gotten into wearing them at school if even if they didn't work. If other kids believed that they worked that could start a riot.

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