I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember the classified adds in a lot of magazines and news papers for such things as "old family recipes" that were offered for a dollar. "Send one dollar and a self addressed stamped envelope to". Later SASE was used for the instructions on how to buy. Many different adds were used for a wide variety of items. I don't know if this is still used or not as Facebook Market Place has really grown as a place to sell a diverse list of things.
There were also chain letters and pyramid schemes.
I remember buying cheap 35mm color film from Dale Labs. It was the leftovers from rolls that were used in shooting movies for the big screens. I would send a roll in for processing and would get a new roll back. If memory is right I could even get slides from the film I sent in with picture too.
I worked at a One-Hour photo lab. We ran a roll of that film through the C-41 processor (that was the name of the film developing chemistry) and found out that that film was not C-41 compatible. We had to dump all the chemistry and mix new. A giant headache.

TMI: the chemistry was "replenished," not replaced, so this was a very expensive mistake. What happened to that roll of film? The emulsion melted off and was all through the chemistry, on everything in the machine... and ruined other people's film.

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