I'm so old I Remember when:

I so old I remember sitting in church with my grandmother where there was no AC. A local funeral home donated had held paddle fans for members and visitors to use to stay cooler in the heat of the summer. Early 1950's. The fans did have a religious picture on one side and the name of the funeral home on the other.
Don't get me started on the tons of funeral homes here.
When we do discussion boards in college no one can disagree. They all parrot the same thing the OP just said, and give cheep compliments, and there's never any meaningful discussion.
That sounds like reddit. If you dare to say something that's the opposite, whether it is good or bad, you'll just get hate comments and "downvotes".

If I'm going to talk, I'm going to speak my mind. Yes, the jumpers in my computer for hard drives and nonsense are labelled "master and slave" (which makes sense. One controls the other), yes, there is a "blacklist" and a "whitelist", and these terms are still used in a good chunk of the computers I own.

I should drag my rant about how I find changing terms around because "inclusive" somewhere else, but it gets infuriating when you call something by its long standing name and get a chunk ripped out for it.
I'm not sure where you'd get 10 for a penny with music, but I certainly know what a Compact Disc is, I know what a penny is, and I know what mail is.
Columbia House

I still owe them money
Wait. Isn't that the company you old people ripped off? I remember hearing something about this. What were the details and catches?
Lol, I joined about a dozen times and never fulfilled the contract.
So ya that's probably the one.

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