I'm so old I Remember when:

@tripletfeb asked: Were you in totality in 2017?

Our house wasn't but my DH had relatives not too far away that were, so we drove up to their place. It was a couple hours away is all but don't ask me exactly where it was. Those relatives don't live there any more and I didn't know them well. Anyway, yeah, we did get to see it, it was awesome. Not awesome as in, these are an awesome pair of shoes, but awesome as in, it made me cry and I will never be the same.
@tripletfeb asked: Were you in totality in 2017?

Our house wasn't but my DH had relatives not too far away that were, so we drove up to their place. It was a couple hours away is all but don't ask me exactly where it was. Those relatives don't live there any more and I didn't know them well. Anyway, yeah, we did get to see it, it was awesome. Not awesome as in, these are an awesome pair of shoes, but awesome as in, it made me cry and I will never be the same.
I'm very excited to see this one. And even more excited to not have to go anywhere but my backyard!
Kinda wishing I'd ordered a dozen porta potties and arranged to have the lower forty mowed so I could charge $20 a car. But then again .... nah.
No way would it be worth the hassle. And the insurance would be crazy
I just clicked on it and took me to Pet Peeves
Yep. I thought I'd missed a while bunch of posts here since I didn't recognize it. Clicked on it and kept going backwards trying to recognize a post. Took me the better part of a half hour and several pages to realize I might should look at the thread name. Sure enough, there was a reason I didn't recognize any posts. 🤣🤣

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