I'm so old I Remember when:

Yep. I thought I'd missed a while bunch of posts here since I didn't recognize it. Clicked on it and kept going backwards trying to recognize a post. Took me the better part of a half hour and several pages to realize I might should look at the thread name. Sure enough, there was a reason I didn't recognize any posts. 🤣🤣
I follow this one and I had to go back several pages to catch up. :rolleyes:
Yep. I thought I'd missed a while bunch of posts here since I didn't recognize it. Clicked on it and kept going backwards trying to recognize a post. Took me the better part of a half hour and several pages to realize I might should look at the thread name. Sure enough, there was a reason I didn't recognize any posts. 🤣🤣

I follow this one and I had to go back several pages to catch up. :rolleyes:
Oh boy
Yep. I thought I'd missed a while bunch of posts here since I didn't recognize it. Clicked on it and kept going backwards trying to recognize a post. Took me the better part of a half hour and several pages to realize I might should look at the thread name. Sure enough, there was a reason I didn't recognize any posts. 🤣🤣
My most humble apologies to everyone I led astray, lol! :he
I remember when the power went out, we would play board games, cards, or go outside and do stuff.

Welp, with a farewell middle finger Old Man Winter shut me down for three days! And I couldn't do anything outside apart from digging out coops, and I couldn't play games because my daughter ditched me to go stay with her sister who still had power.

And I slowly went crazy (crazier).
I personally think you are too young to have one! (But I could be wrong :))
I like a tidy beard. Down to the belt buckle and flying in the breeze? Not so much.
I don't mind it on some people but others look terrible with one. I wish they'd realize that! (I'm thinking of certain people I know...)

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