I'm soooo confused


In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2023
This is gonna be long, but the whole ordeal is crazy. Both chickens are around 6 months old. I went to feed birds this morning and found that one of my Cockrells (a silver and white barred Rock mix) got his head stuck in the top of a large dog kennel we keep in the run to keep our new chickens in for introdutions to the flock and managed to break his neck. I walked the body over and buried it in the compost pile. Then a few hours later, we see the chickens playing with something. It was the wing from another chicken. This one was a red sex link mixed with a copper maran. But no sign of the rest of the body, no blood and/or feathers other than the ones already hanging out because of molting. Both were found in the run. Our coop in on concrete with a high window and a full on outside house door, metal and glass for both. The run is 10ft tall, 50ft long and then starts at 40 ft wide ending at 10 ft wide and The fencing is turkey fence with chicken wire AND hardware cloth lining the bottom at a height of 3ft. I have cinder blocks (holes up) that line the very bottom of the run that I plant basil in during nice weather. There are absolutely no signs that anything broke in. No animals prints other than the chickens prints in the snow. So WTH?
Sorry for your losses! :hugs

Since there are no signs in the snow of anything but your chickens, then it has to be aerial, but then that means some airborne bird would drop body parts back off and I've never heard of it. Unless your chickens drug it there from a distance away where the predator was eating it. It would explain your cockerel perhaps being scared to death of something and that's how it got its head stuck though.

Any chance you can buy a camera or borrow someone's deer cam?
Sorry for your losses! :hugs

Since there are no signs in the snow of anything but your chickens, then it has to be aerial, but then that means some airborne bird would drop body parts back off and I've never heard of it. Unless your chickens drug it there from a distance away where the predator was eating it. It would explain your cockerel perhaps being scared to death of something and that's how it got its head stuck though.

Any chance you can buy a camera or borrow someone's deer cam?
Immediately after it happened, my husband went online and ordered a trail cam to set up.

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